This article is based on my presentation at the PILMMA Summit in Chicago in July. You can get a copy of the slides I presented at the bottom of this article. |
Let me share what I’ve learned since I started blogging 10 years ago. Using the tactics I am about to describe, my blog at has gotten 1.2 million visits. When I was editor in chief of we built the traffic up to 4 million visits and 7 million page views per year.

It’s true that the more you blog, the more clients you will get. A law firm website should be updated 2-3 times per week with articles running 300-400 words long.
We all know that the #1 way that consumers search for a lawyer is on the Internet, and a Hinge survey proved that this was true. However lawyers focus at the wrong part of the sales process — trying to increase the number of leads and visitors they get with PPC and SEO techniques. Instead you would be smarter to pay attention to the prospects and visitors who already come to the site, and turn them into clients.
For starters, law firms must have five visitor conversion basics in place:
• A chat feature to talk to clients live.
• An online form to contact the form.
• A toll free number displayed at the top of the page.
• Videos about settlements and verdicts.
• Lawyer bios that discuss client service, that is, how well you explain legal options to clients. Read more